Guide For State And Local Emergency Operations Plans

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

An EOP is a document that contains information on actions that may be taken by a government jurisdiction to protect people and property in a disaster or disaster-threat situation. It describes actions that may be required for any hazard, natural or technological, including the effects of nuclear war.

The details..

"Guide for the Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans" is a Civil Preparedness Guide by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) providing guidance on multihazard, functional emergency operations planning. The book aims to assist state and local government officials in addressing various hazards that can impact our daily lives such as natural disasters or man-made threats. It advocates an integrated approach towards emergency management planning which has evolved over time with several major revisions.

"Guide for the Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans" highlights how urbanization and growing population densities have made us more vulnerable to the effects of hazards leading to large numbers of deaths and injuries among people. Thus, it emphasizes preparedness requirements common across all emergencies while acknowledging unique characteristics associated with each hazard requiring specific mitigation plans.

The guide serves as a starting point for planners involved in hazard-specific programs who can focus their resources more intensely on truly unique requirements related to particular hazards they address. FEMA hopes this groundwork will make it possible for program managers/practitioners involved in emergency planning activities at different levels - federal, state or local -to accomplish essential objectives economically & efficiently.

If you are interested in learning about developing effective disaster response strategies from scratch or improving existing ones using tried-and-tested methods recommended by FEMA experts; then "Guide for the Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans" is an excellent resource worth exploring.

Resource Info

Page count: 21
Size: 518kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Health and Fitness
Finances Available